Dear readers, we continue with exclusive interviews with Eurovision contestants. Today we bring you an interview with Amber from Malta.
Hello Amber! Thank you for finding time to have a little chat with OGAE Serbia! How do you feel about finally getting an honor to represent Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest?
- I am very happy. I have competed in Malta Eurovision 5 times and it was a special moment to win the show. It is a great honour to represent Malta in Vienna. I hope I give a performance that will make the country proud.
Recently, the video for the new Warrior version has been released. How did you come to the idea of changing arrangement of the song to this new version? Which one will you perform in Vienna?
- Warrior was written especially for me so it made sense to sit down with the composer and lyricist to discuss how the song could be made better. They are a very talented pair and decided the song needed a little more punch so as to have greater impact. I am delighted with the new improved sound and orchestration and that is the version that will be sung in Vienna.
There is quite a powerful message behind the lyrics of your song. How do you connect to them?
- I agree it is a powerful message. The important thing is that any individual can connect with them. It’s an inspirational song about finding inner strength to overcome difficulties that we face in life. If you have ever been bullied this song can mean something to you. If you have had to fight illness this song can mean something for you. Whatever obstacle you have had to overcome this can be your song.
Can you tell us something about the scenography of your appearance on stage while performing at the contest?
- We haven’t decided yet but the plan is to keep things simple, with no silly gimmicks.
Based on reviews by Eurovision fans, Malta has a big chance of scoring in top 5 again after many years. How does that make you feel? Do you think you can win?
- I hope you’re right! I know that I have a good song but there are 40 competitors in the contest and only one can win. Maybe this is the year of Malta, or perhaps Serbia! All I can do is give the best performance I can and hope that people vote for Malta.
Did you hear other songs that are competing at the contest? If so, do you have any favourites?
- There are some very good songs this year. I love Spain’s. The entry from Cyprus is quite different and the Swedish song is a strong contender. I expect I’ll have about 10 favourites by the time I get to Vienna! Bojana’s Beauty Never Lies has a very nice rhythm and Bojana is an excellent singer. I will keep my fingers crossed for her during the first semi-final.
You will perform 5th in the second semifinal between few ballads. Do you think it gives you sort of an advantage in the way of getting more attention of voters?
- I’m not sure if being 5th is a good thing or a bad thing. I just hope that I give a performance that will stay in people’s minds when it is time to vote!
OGAE Serbia wishes you best of luck in Vienna!
- Thank you. And good luck to Bojana Stamenov too. And if you like Warrior please visit our official Facebook fan page or have a look at the website of our national TV channel.