Politika privatnosti
OGAE Srbija poštuje Vašu privatnost, te ova politika privatnosti predstavlja dokument koji opisuje vrstu podataka koji se prikupljaju na www.evropesma.org i način na koji se koriste.
- Mi ne sakupljamo Vaše lične podatke kada posetite naš sajt, osim ukoliko sami ne odlučite da nam pružite te informacije i oni se mogu objaviti samo uz Vaš pristanak. Prilikom prenosa podataka preko Interneta, može da dođe do bezbednosnih propusta, te se ne može isključiti eventualna zloupotreba podataka, jer je Internet nepredvidiv medij i pored svih mera bezbednosti i sigurnosti komunikacionih protokola, tj. potpuna zaštita podataka od pristupa od strane trećih lica nije moguća.
- Treće strane, putem kojih se prikazuju reklame na našem sajtu, mogu da postavljaju i čitaju kolačiće u pregledačima korisnika, odnosno koriste veb-svetionike za prikupljanje informacija na osnovu prikazivanja oglasa na našem sajtu.
- Kolačići su datoteke, koje su veb sajtovi, koje ste posetili, napravili za skladištenje informacija o pregledanju, kao što su podešavanja za sajtove ili informacije o profilu. Postoje dve vrste kolačića: kolačiće originalnog sajta postavlja domen sajta naveden na traci za adresu, dok kolačići treće strane dolaze iz izvora drugih domena čije su stavke, poput oglasa ili slika, ugrađene u stranicu. Na raspolaganju su Vam brojne on-line informacije o kolačićima ukoliko želite da pročitate nešto više o njima. Pogledajte, na primer www.allaboutcookies.org.
- Veb svetionik je često transparentna grafička slika koja obično nije veća od 1 piksel x 1 piksel, koja se stavlja na veb stranicu ili u mejl i koristi se za praćenje online ponašanja korisnika koji posećuju veb stranice ili šalju mejl. Veb svetionke koriste tehnologije trećih lica.
- Google, koji pruža usluge oglašavanja u okviru programa AdSense, koristi DoubleClick kolačiće za prikazivanje oglasa na www.evropesma.org. Kada korisnici posete naš sajt i pogledaju oglas ili kliknu na njega, kolačić može da ostane u pregledaču tog krajnjeg korisnika. DoubleClick kolačići omogućavaju Google-u i njegovim partnerima da korisnicima prikazuju oglase na osnovu njihovih poseta našem sajtu ili drugim sajtovima na Internetu.
- Korisnici mogu da onemoguće DoubleClick kolačić za oglašavanje zasnovano na interesovanjima tako što će posetiti stranicu na sledećoj adresi:www.google.com/ads/preferences/
- Kolačići se mogu izbrisati ili zasebno podesiti preko podešavanja u pregledačima, a za informacije kako to uraditi, konsultujte pomoćne stranice pregledača.
- Koristimo uslugu veb analitike Google Analytics koju pruža Google za analizu saobraćaja na vebu. Google Analytics šalje kolačiće radi beleženja broja posetilaca i detalja o korišćenju pregledača. Detaljnije o ovome možete da pročitate na www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html i www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html.
- Naš sajt može da sadrži linkove ka drugim sajtovima nad kojima nemamo kontrolu, te za njihov sadržaj ne garantujemo, niti snosimo odgovornost. Ukoliko se na našem forumu nađu linkovi koji krše nečija prava, nakon obaveštenja o kršenju, mi ćemo ih odmah ukloniti. Takođe, nakon obaveštenja o kršenju autorskih prava, mi ćemo odmah ukloniti takav sadržaj.
- Povezujemo se sa društvenim mrežama i drugom vrstom veb sajtova trećih lica. Koristimo veb sajtove društvenih mreža da bismo ostvarili međusobnu komunikaciju sa javnošću i radi davanja publiciteta našim aktivnostima.
- Bilo kakve buduće izmene u našoj politici privatnosti biće objavljene na ovoj stranici. Molimo Vas da redovno proveravate da li je došlo do ažuriranja ili promena u našoj politici privatnosti.
- Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa našom politikom privatnosti, možete da nas kontaktirate putem e-maila na office@evropesma.org.
Privacy Policy
OGAE Serbia respects your privacy, so this privacy policy represents a document which describes a type of data collected on www.evropesma.org and the way in which they are used.
- We don’t collect your personal informations when you visit our website, except if you don’t choose to show them yourself, and they can be published only with your approval. During the transfer of data, security oversights may occur, so the potential misusage of your informations cannot be excluded, as internet is quite an unpredictable medium and even with all the security measures and the safety of communication protocols, complete data protection from non-authorized access is not possible.
- Third parties, that are used for ads showing on our website, can post and read the cookies in the users’ browsers, or, in other words, they use web beacons to collect information based on the showing of the ads on our website.
- Cookies are files that are made by websites that you have visited for collecting the informations about viewing, like the website settings or the profile informations. There are two types of cookies: cookies of the original site, that are set by the site domain that is stated in the address bar, and cookies of the third party, that come from the sources of other domains, whose items like pictures and ads are incorporated into the page. There are various on-line informations about cookies, waiting for you to read them. Check out, for example www.allaboutcookies.org.
- Web beacon is, often, a transparent graphic image that is not usually bigger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel, that is put on the web page or in the email, and is used for monitoring of the online activities of the users who visit a web page or send an email. Web beacons use the technologies of third parties.
- Google, that offers services of billing lin the AdSense program, uses DoubleClick cookies for ads showing on www.evropesma.org. When the users visit our website and view the ad or click on it, cookie can stay in the browser of that end-user. DoubleClick cookies allows Google and other partners to show ads to the users based on their visit of our website or other websites on the Internet.
- Users can turn off DoubleClick cookie for billing based on interests by visiting the following web-page: www.google.com/ads/preferences/
- Cookies can be erased or separately tuned through settings in the browsers, and for the informations about how to do it, consult help pages of the browser.
- We are using the service of web analytics Google Analytics that Google offers traffic analysis on the web. Google Analytics sends cookies to monitor the number of visitors and details about the browser use. You can see more informations about it on www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html andwww.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html.
- Our website can contain the links to other websites which we can’t control, so we don’t guarantee for their content, nor do we have any responsibilities for it. If on our forum there happens to be a link that is violating someone’s rights, after the notification of a violation, we will promptly remove it. Also, after the notification of violation of author’s rights, we will promptly remove that content.
- We are connecting with social networks and other types of web-sites of the third parties. We are using websites of social networks so that we can establish the communication with public and to get a publicity for our activities.
- Any further changes in our politics will be published on this page. We beg you to regularly check for any potential updates and changes in our privacy policy.
- If you have any questions about our privacy policy, you can contact us via e-mail on office@evropesma.org.